Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Healthy Foods- Our dinner

Yum! What are you thankful for?

For me, I am thankful for this wonderful family that I am in. Although everyday may not seem wonderful to me or to my partner, but we make things work. The best thing about this relationship is having someone that can throw down in the kitchen! I never knew that I would end up with someone that can cook, but I'm thankful that he is in my life and he can really cook. I can cook, however, I do not think that I am as good as he is. He made this delicious dish (pictured above) and it was DIVINE!

A extra plus is that we both made the decision to stop eating meat so that means meatless dinners. It was a very easy transition and it's great to have someone to share this with so that I'm not alone with this transition. Although our families do not understand what we are doing with being vegetarians, we will not let what they do not like stop us for doing something that we love to do. One question that I was asked by my grandmother was "So, what are you going to eat for Thanksgiving since it's coming up?" Well, one we don't celebrate Thanksgiving. Please read up on the real story behind Thanksgiving and you will understand if you do not already know the truth behind this "holiday". But on this day since we will be with family, we will eat similar things as we used to eat, but we are more focused 1 with staying healthy and 2 not including meat in our dish. I understand that there are people out there that are vegans and vegetarians that still have Thanksgiving dinner, but they make it work to suit them. I just believe that it is a personal preference, but hey, that's me.

What are your thoughts on going meatless for this upcoming holiday? If you've used to eat meat (or any animal), but you do not eat meat (animal) anymore, how did your family take it when you let them know that you stopped eating meat (animal)?

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